Friday, April 24, 2015

8 Tips for First Year Zetech University Students

For some of you waiting to join Zetech University Main Campus, you are probably getting ready to relocate to a new area and start socializing in this new environment. Among the many things that Zetech University students enjoy is its proximity to the Nairobi CBD.

8 Tips for First Year Zetech University Students

The University is located just 15 to 20 minutes’ drive from the city center. The facility is also close to neighboring colleges and a hub of activities so you’ll definitely feel comfortable in a region where there are so many college students.

Useful Tips for Zetech University Students

So if you are a first year Zetech University student, here are a couple of tips to get started with campus life.  

Tip1: Attend classes

Yes, you can get notes from your friends and yes, some professors provide handouts and study notes online. But reading your friend’s notes and long handouts is not the same as going to class. Some Zetech University students who attend classes perform better because they listen to lecturers give subtle hints of what they will test in exams during class.
You can often tell what the professor wants you to focus on by attending classes. It also improves your understanding than reading a bunch of posted notes.

Tip2: Know your peak study times

People have very unique study times and you need to understand what works for you best as soon as you join campus. If you have more energy during early mornings, then choose to study at this time. Choose to handle the most demanding subject areas at the times when your energy is high.

Tip3: Avoid procrastination

When you plan on doing something, do it there and then. You can easily be hindered by procrastination and this can undermine your campus experience. You can just complete one small task at the beginning of the day and then work towards the rest of the tasks. Don’t put off doing things for a long time because the work will pile up and become a source of stress.

Tips for First Year Zetech University Students

Tip4: Take study breaks

Study breaks allow your brain to process the information that you have read. You can’t study non-stop and expect to remember everything during an exam. When you take study breaks, your level of concentration improves. You are able to refresh, manage stress and become a successful student. However, make sure you engage in co-curricular activities that do not negatively impact on your studies. Also make sure you don’t overdo it.

Tip5: Spare some time to reflect

It’s always good to take your time to think and reflect on what you’ve done and where you plan on going. It will help you to effectively manage your time and work towards your goals. If your grades have started slipping because of a new group of friends, it could be time to cut off communication and spend more time studying until you can recover. When you allocate time to think and reflect, you have space to make such important decisions.

Tip6: Plan your day

Successful students at Zetech will always have their days planned out well. List items that you need to complete in a day and then divide them based on what’s more important. If you plan your days well then you’ll realize how less stressful things become as the semester progresses.

Tip7: Get enough sleep

You won’t be able to concentrate in class if you are not getting enough sleep. You need to establish a sleeping routine that allows you to get enough rest every day.

Tip8: Learn how to deal with distractions

There are a number of interruptions that will come in your way, especially when you’ve dedicated time to study. You just have to learn how to deal with these interruptions and continue. You can set non-study times to socialize and politely ask your friends or other students at Zetech to keep off during study times.

The above are very important things to think about. When it’s time to study, try and choose a nice group of friends who are focused and will encourage you and not distract you. 

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